Thin Film Coating

NQW provides a range of optical coating services, such as Anti-Reflective, High-Reflective or protected/enhanced metal mirrors. These coating can be applied to optics up to 12″ diameter having various shapes and sizes. Prior to coating the optics can be cleaned in our semiconductor standard cleaning system under our ISO 6 clean room environment. NQW`s high production technologies and a total processing capability from glass substrate cutting to the film coating allow us to propose various kinds of Thin Film Products.
Fused Silica Material
- Fused Silica
- Low Expansion Glass
- Filter Glass
Wafer Application
AR Coating: High Durability Windows, Laser Windows, Multispectral Imaging Windows, Infrared Windows, Windows, Infrared Lenses, Multispectral Lenses, Thermal Imaging Lenses, Lenses
High-Reflective: Aspheric Mirrors, Broadband Dielectric Mirrors, Cylindrical Mirrors, Graded Reflectivity Mirrors, High Energy Laser Mirrors, Low Loss Mirrors, Infrared Mirrors, Mirrors,
Dimension & Thickness
- Anti-Reflective Types:
- Single Layer Mg2F coating,
- Multi-layer AR coating
- Broad band AR coating
- Double wavelength AR coating
- High-Reflective coating
- Metals: Chrome, Aluminum, Gold,
- Beam Splitters, ITO
ITO glass
- Wafer Thickness: 200µm – 500µm
- typical Resistance: 3 – 300ohm/cm
FTO glass
- typical Wafer Thickness: 1100µm, 1600µm, 2200µm
- typical Resistance: 10 – 20ohm/cm
- density:1.38g/cm³, pull strength>200MPa, Elongation>80%
- typical Wafer Thickness: 50µm, 125µm, 175µm
- typical Resistance: 5 – 200 Ohm/cm
Do you need further information or a quotation?
Please feel free to call use by phone +49 (0) 9101 / 90 220 – 200 or simply use our request form.